Capoeira Training Using Targets

In today’s blog entry/video I”m going to show you how to use a kicking/striking target for Capoeira drills. Just like any other Martial arts kicks and strikes you practice your Capoeira strikes on a target. Many people think that Capoeiristas don’t make contact, but the fact is…they do.

THE best way to get better at having great accuracy is by using a striking target. Here I lay out some drills for you to use with some straight attacks…and some circular. Remember when using your circular attacks like Quexada, Armada, and Meia Lua de Compasso, not to chamber or stretch you leg to hit the target. You should, instead, set up better so that you are consistent in you striking precision. Here are the strikes we will use: Read More

The 3 Most Important Kicks in Capoeira

I have taught 100’s of Capoeira students in my career, and probably by now 9 years later, 1,000’s. I know that people are attracted to the cool acrobatics and ground moves of Capoeira but…the “arroz e feijoes”, or rice and beans, of Brazilian Capoeira are the Ginga, kicks and dodges. Remember that Capoeira was developed by African slaves in Brazil about 500 years ago. It is first a martial art.

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