The Au de Frente in Capoeira is a pretty sweet move, Galera. With our three step system, anyone can get it. Let me first talk about mindset. Mindset? Yup. I have some students that already defeat themselves before they even attempt the move. That fact is true in any venture you set off to achieve, but even more true in this one. This is ground acrobatic is very doable for any fitness level. Read More
Tag: beginner capoeira moves

The 3 Most Important Kicks in Capoeira
I have taught 100’s of Capoeira students in my career, and probably by now 9 years later, 1,000’s. I know that people are attracted to the cool acrobatics and ground moves of Capoeira but…the “arroz e feijoes”, or rice and beans, of Brazilian Capoeira are the Ginga, kicks and dodges. Remember that Capoeira was developed by African slaves in Brazil about 500 years ago. It is first a martial art.