Do you want add some style to your game in on easy move? This “kick-back” transition will give you control to create space where there is seemingly none. I often call this, “treading water”, and there several other ways to tread water. Why? Because when you administer this technique you stay in the same place rather than traveling laterally, backward, or forward.
Once you’ve gotten proficient with this transition, you can control your space and in turn control the space in which your opponent attacks you. Before we get to the nitty gritty, let’s go over the regular kick-to-acrobatic transition. Let’s get started.
The beginner to intermediate level kick-to-acrobatic transition is as follows.
Let’s take the kick Armada as the kick example, and Au de Frente as the acrobatic for simplicity’s sake. (Armada Left, Au de Frente Left) When you land the Armada, make sure your kicking leg goes to the base. Continue with your momentum to the left, and immediately go into your acrobatic, Au de Frente.
The New Capoeira Kick-Back Transition is as Follows
You can use the Kick-Back transition for any cartwheel based acrobatic (Au) such as Au, Au de Frente, Amazonas (Au batido), Au sem Mao, Au de Frente Sem Mao, Webbie, Au de Cabeca, Piao de Cabeca, and more. We’ll use the same kick and acrobatic as before (Armada to Au de Frente).
Step 1: Start you Armada left and when landing, over-rotate 45° and turn you hips with the momentum also 45°.
Your kicking leg should have crossed your support leg from behind, and be turned and facing about 10 o’clock wiht crossed legs with good base.
Step 2: Your support leg (right) will kick back in a semi-circle, leading with the heel, and continue up laterally to your head.
Your head, at the same time will go down naturally with your torso towards your left foot.
Step 3: Have your hands ready to go into your acrobatic and finish naturally in the same spot that you started.
You can do this slow until you work out the footwork. Then pick it up to regular speed. You don’t ever have to do this fast unless you are playing in a fast roda.
This move is extremely versatile as afore mentioned. Usually when playing in the roda, your opponent will start to guage your movement and spacing by your combos. Throwing this one in will let him/her know that you have a very dynamic unpredictable game. One moment you travel the whole roda, other times you tread water, and other times you move backwards while doing moves forward.
With practice, you will integrate this move into your natural game seemlessly. I have written, filmed, and created countless content on improving the average man’s game. I take pride in getting the ordinary human to do extraordinary things. Overweight, old, non-flexible, uncoordinated, unrhythmic, old, young, and even ugly (lol) people have come through my dojo in South Texas or through the pages of my books and come out heros.
Take a moment to check me out on Amazon (5 time best selling author), Youtube, or here on the Ginga site. Drop me a comment below and share the goodies, if you thought it was useful. Until next time Ginga Warrior.
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