Capoeira Training Using Targets

In today’s blog entry/video I”m going to show you how to use a kicking/striking target for Capoeira drills. Just like any other Martial arts kicks and strikes you practice your Capoeira strikes on a target. Many people think that Capoeiristas don’t make contact, but the fact is…they do.

THE best way to get better at having great accuracy is by using a striking target. Here I lay out some drills for you to use with some straight attacks…and some circular. Remember when using your circular attacks like Quexada, Armada, and Meia Lua de Compasso, not to chamber or stretch you leg to hit the target. You should, instead, set up better so that you are consistent in you striking precision. Here are the strikes we will use: Read More

Capoeira Beginners: The Most Important Type of Student

Of all the Mestres, and Contra-Mestres, and Mestrandos, and Professores, Formados, Monitores, Estagiarios, Graduados, Instrutores, Educadores….and the list goes on and on. Of all these great teachers passing on the amazing art of Capoeira to this world, the most important Capoeira practitioner is none of them. What?! That’s right. Although these figures play an important part in Capoeira, it is the beginner that plays the most important part. They decide one day that they want to put on the white pants and set out to learn this amazing art. They decide one day that they want to continue learning this art, and ultimately, they decide that they don’t want to quit . The beginner student feeds the growth of our amazing art. If you haven’t watched my video on the “Triangle of Capoeira Practitioners” you can do that here.

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The 7 Berimbau Toques You Should Know

Galera, O Rei is back with an old blog post of mine that is extremely important. Today I’m  going to talk about the 7 toques (rhythms) of the berimbau you NEED to know. Once you start playing the berimbau, the first question usually is…”What do I play?”.  I’m aiming to alleviate that first question today. Although this is not an in detail description of each, I will go over each.

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Au De Frente

The Au de Frente in Capoeira is a pretty sweet move, Galera. With our three step system, anyone can get it. Let me first talk about mindset. Mindset? Yup. I have some students that already defeat themselves before they even attempt the move. That fact is true in any venture you set off to achieve, but even more true in this one. This is ground acrobatic is very doable for any fitness level. Read More

The 3 Most Important Kicks in Capoeira

I have taught 100’s of Capoeira students in my career, and probably by now 9 years later, 1,000’s. I know that people are attracted to the cool acrobatics and ground moves of Capoeira but…the “arroz e feijoes”, or rice and beans, of Brazilian Capoeira are the Ginga, kicks and dodges. Remember that Capoeira was developed by African slaves in Brazil about 500 years ago. It is first a martial art.

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What is Capoeira…Really? (For the Absolute Newbie)

If you are just beginning Capoeira, or an admirer who never really knew about the origins of this amazing art…here you go. I will briefly give you a crash course on what Brazilian Capoeira is.  Here is the quick story:

Capoeira is a 500 year old martial art form created by African slaves brought to Brazil. During that time slaves could not practice self-defense, so the slaves hid it in a dancing acrobatic game called Capoeira. At a glance the slave master would see a group of people standing in a circle clapping and singing while two people inside the circle danced and flipped around. It seemed harmless, but really was a very effective martial art that liberated the slaves and sustained runaway slave colonies known as quilombos.

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