You don’t always have to do long Capoeira floreio sequences. Yes that has it’s place, and ultimately, you will be doing just that. But if you feel that there are holes in your transitions, rough stalls in your game, or just bad form and techinique when going for those long combos, then this blog is for you.
We will be going over these mini-combos that you will practice 5 to 10 times each side to tighten up your game. Once you clean up these easy transitions, you can add them back to your long combinations and training sessions. This has the training level of intermediate to advanced beginner.
That means you have to at least know the basics like your 3 main circular kicks (quexada, armada, and meia lua de compasso) along with your basic acrobatics like Au, Au de Frente, Piao de Mao, Au Batido (Amazonas), and Macaco. Let’s get down to business.
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